Saturday 29 April 2017

心分け by Kamikita Ken~ Translation

Feel like this is the come back season for all my favourite mangaka so I decided to make a comeback with translating KK's song too :)))
From the moment I listened to Layered's cross-fade, 心分け somehow drew me to it lyrics, though it wasn't like I understood it completely back then, or even now (~~')
It's just my own interpretation of this song, but it seems to me that 心分け tells a story of two souls existing inside one body. Similar to how Ken-chan mentioned 'you' and 'me' in ゆらぎ (you can find the translation here), I don't think the 'you' was an external existence, but more like one's past and present self.

That feelings when you look back at your past, and realise yourself from those days are telling you not to hold on to the past anymore. However, no matter how ugly do you and your past think of it, you can neither ignore or forget it; and at the same time, you don't want it to disappear. Both of you, trying to exist, trying to recognise each other's existence, because both of you, are you. You in the past wishes for your happiness and do its best to completely disappear. While you, who doesn't want to deny the path you have been through, are trying your best not to let the 'past you' go.

At least that's what I feel from the song, though it might be completely rubbish :))
If you also like 心分け , let me know what you think of the lyrics.

Kokoro Wake

Written and composed by Kamikita Ken (KK)
English translation by Makoto 

One day, I was gone
Then you was born, in place of me.
I'll leave this heart to you, so live freely from now on.

I'm an imitation, that's why I could no longer stay here.
I can't put these into words, so I'll leave in silent.

Two will be unnecessary. Either will do.
In that case, I will,
No longer needing this name nor this face, from tomorrow onward.
Please paint over me with your unclean self,
And truly become who you want to be.

Looking back at the memory of the old days
Was that clouded sky shaded in white or green?
Gazing down from the glass windows
All that came into my vision was a black ocean,
That looks like a big big eye,
Waiting to swallow me.
But then, you suddenly hugged me over the shoulders,
I could feel your warmth through the touch on my cheeks.
That feelings when your round, slightly wrinkle fingers gently brushed my hair
Is what they call 'safe and sound'
I was so closed to burst into tears.
And realised
'This is where I belong'
'This person is who I can trust'

The deep dark sea, seemingly to know just anything,
Has come to take the present me away
Even though it has already come,
It was you who tell me
'Don't go and vanish just yet'
'Together, we can go back'
You are mine, you are me.

One day, I was gone.
Then you was born, in place of me.
If you could take part of this heart, it'd be fine to loose a place to return to.

It's my fault that
No matter how far we move forward, we can't become neither 'you' or 'me'
This name, face and heart are all important.
Even the me, who want to become you, is equally important.
Please also love the unclean me.

It's alright being an unwanted imitation
Because I no longer have any doubt that who I'm now is (the real) me.

That's my decision, and the answer I have from making such decision.

(There were only 3-5 words I didn't know but it still took me more than an hour (maybe more) to translate this. Gj Ken-chan!!)

3rd song from Kamikita Ken's 2nd Mini Album, Layered
Please support the artist by purchasing original copy on CdJapanAmazonJapan, or Itunes.
Visit KK's official site and Youtube channel for more information

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Tide on Spotify

Just found out that you can listen to Ken-chan's 1st mini album TIDE on Spotify (for free).
Please follow Ken-chan's spotify as well ^^
I guess Coronoid Records does have a more international view compared to other music recording companies in Japan *claps claps*
Ken-chan even puts his albums up on Itunes so you can save shipping time and money.
Although I prefer a hard copy, I'm having so much trouble putting them on iphone.
Putting these tracks on my walkman is just VERY SIMPLE.
And there are ppl who say android is complicate or difficult to use....

Wednesday 19 April 2017

僕と君が、前を向くための歌~生きゆく街に海を見る。上北健 HALL LIVE IN TOKYO 2017~ Report

Just realised I havent been updating this blog for so long already. Cant remember how many times I told myself to write one about KK's new mini album Layered, which was released on the 12th April. I'll put the link to his new album and stuffs like that at of this article. But first, let's have a quick report of his live at Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall last night!*



I have to say, it was totally worth it, spending money, time and effort to fly all the way to Japan, just to see KK's live this year. As I thought, my parents did complain a bit when I told them I'd go to Japan to see KK''s live. But in the end, it was my money and my hobby so they respected it! I guess as I grow older, they start to understand more about my decision in life, although this decision was simply spontaneous~ So yea, I booked a flight in late Feb and came to Japan the day before the live. 

Done with background information, now let's move to the real deal~~~~
My seat was right in the middle in the first row of the fixed seats, so I could see the stage without any obstruction! I think I prefer it than siting in the areana area. 
If I counted the 2016's live that I watched on Nico Nico, this would be the 3rd time I watched KK's live. Amazing? Fantastic? Wonderful? My English vocab doesnt allow me to describe it correctly. The live was, as always, not perfect but perfect! 

Ken-chan's voice was beautiful as ever. I'm glad they didnt make the BGM too loud so we could listen to his voice in such a big hall. He started with the concept song of this live, followed by Yuragi and Cross street, and it was too much for my heart! I have talked about my personal obsession with Yuragi so finding out he included it in this time, I was just filled with happiness. Together with the concept song, he also wrote a concept story especially for yesterday's live (I'll try to translate it later on), and actually read it out loud! Anyone who follows him would know he doesnt talk alot. Even on namahousou, Ken-chan usually sings and only tells important information. However yesterday, he stepped out his comfort zone and told us the story in his beautiful voice. Each phrase was read with emotion and wonderful acting skill, as if he wasnt a singer, but a story-teller. In some sense, Ken-chan is a story-teller, isnt he! Through music, he conveys the story of what he has been encountered in life, the story that portrays his feeling, thought and emotion. It's not always a pretty story, it's not always a happy story, but they are all real, and that's what draw me to his music. 
Talking about comfort zone, it was a rare sight seeing Ken-chan sings without his guitar. In this 1.5 years, I have never saw him without it, regardless using it or not. But yesterday, in front of everyone, he did it! To be honest, it was awk af!!!! But at the same time, seeing him trying his best, I almost bursted into tears. The awk movement and position he placed his hands were just too cute <3. 
What amazed me the most is that the audiences were speechless during the first 3 songs. No one was able to clap or whatsoever, like the hall was frozen by his voice. That feeling when you want to clap hands and show how great the performance was, but couldn't because you dont want to disturb the flow of it. It was simply amazing!

Thank you all the staffs, band members and the two dancers who played an irreplaceable role in creating such beautiful performance last night.
And Ken-chan, thanks so much for being there, for singing with your heart.

I still havent listened to Layered since I dont have a cd driver atm, but I got to listen to the songs in yesterday's live so all good! 
I'm really really glad I came all the way to watch it. 
Can we just have DVDs of the lives? CDs would be good as well though! Just give us something plsss.

Kamikita Ken's 2nd Mini Album~ Layered

For those who want a hard copy no matter what (like me ^^) CdJapan or AmazonJapan
Those who don't have a cd driver and hate waiting for the physical copy to be shipped, you can now buy it on Itunes
I was able to access it from overseas so shouldn't have any problem on buying outside of Japan.

Visit KK's official site and Youtube channel for more information
*I wrote this on 17th though didnt have time to publish it and cbs fixing the date now lol