Sunday 25 October 2015

TIMM 2015 1st day~SEKAI NO OWARI~

(taken from my personal tumblr)

Went to Zepp DriverCity 3 nights in a row as I was given this wonderful chance to watch live performances of Sekai no Owari (sekaowa), Scandal/androp, and OLDCODEX. I’m sorry as I wont write any report on Scandal and androp bc tbh I wasnt really impressed, but more like I aint their fan so…sorry abt that.
Ok, so first day was sekaowa…….one word AMAZING. Cant remember how many times did I scream inside my head くそ、何これ?? すごい過ぎ、ヤベー
I know abt sekaowa a while ago while watching music station. My honest opinion was ‘weirdo’ but their music isnt bad tho its not my style. That was around 2012~2013, when my Japanese was pretty bad (it still is now). Later on when I listened to their songs once again earlier this year….and yup I understood bits and pieces of the lyrics so obviously I fell for their music. I will write more abt their music in the next post so that this one wont end up too long to read.
Back to the story, their live at TIMM 2015. Sekaowa is famous for their unique visual. They turned the live house at Zepp into a haunted house, in which Love kept referred as ‘their mansion’. They also had 2 stage concepts, the western vs Japanese Halloween decoration. The visual alone was enough to showed you how much effort they put into making their fans happy. Fukase’s voice was….idk how to describe it but it isn’t much diff from how he sounds like in their recordings. But more than that, what ryl filled my heart were their warm and bright smile. Saori-chan, Nakaji, Fukase…well not too sure abt Love bc of that freakin MASK (lol), but maa, I believe his smile was as bright as other members. Only people who love what they are doing can smile like that. I have noticed myself saying ‘When people enjoy themselves, they have the power to empower others. And those people have the brightest smile!’ The way they enjoyed themselves up on that stage shouted out ‘hey you guys, we are doing what we like so damn much, and we want to give you at least just a little courage to keep on trying until you can find what you truly enjoy!’ Idk how others interpret it but seriously I was abt to cry. If i went to the live alone, I would have cried so bad for sure. 
And the fans…wtf was that encore chant huh???? Guys dont make me burst into tears pls. 
I just found out that they were doing a live in Taiwan that afternoon before TIMM…お疲れ様でした。 
Also, happy belated birthday Nakaji! 
I wish for you guys' success and pls pls step out of Japan…and Asia too since…yea im in Australia (;o;)

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